Aging Gracefully

Aging gracefully? I don’t think so.

I was recently talking with a doctor friend and he told me he was approaching 80 but was afraid of the possibility of declining quality of life.

Our discussion went something like this, “Age gracefully?  No way! Do not go quietly into the good night! I don’t know about you, but I’m going out with my boots on!” 

At age 76, I can keep up with the best of them. I’m active, go on walks, travel, and continue to work full-time.

What keeps me going? I was thinking about it this morning and decided to tell you about the four rules I follow that make my life great — how to age well, keep a good attitude, maintain brain health and body health, and make sure I’m right with God.

Keep a Good Attitude!

But, I suppose if I could attribute my good health, great attitude, and high quality of life to one thing, I would have to say it is the quality of my thoughts. 

Zig Zigler, one of my favorite motivational guys, stressed the importance of maintaining an “Attitude of Gratitude.” I’m convinced that even the biggest problems contain blessings. It might take time to figure out what they are, once you do, it’s a clear sign of personal growth and understanding.

It’s the “Is the glass half empty or half full” approach. A friend of mine once told me that it doesn’t matter if it’s half empty or half full because someone still has to wash the glass. 

I learned a long time ago, that I can’t control what happens to me. In life, there are going to be many things I will have to deal with. The only thing I can control is how I react to those things and how I choose to deal with them (thank you, Jack Canfield). Instead of seeing something as a problem, I immediately think about finding a solution. If there is no solution, I see it as a learning experience. A life lesson. 

You can’t expect to walk this earth for very many years without experiencing situations in search of solutions. 

Find things to laugh about. Linus Pauling cured his cancer by laughing at old comedies. I think it was Laurel and Hardy. He lived to 93. 

Find something to live for. Ulysses Grant lived longer than his doctors believed he would because the former President wanted to provide financial security for his family by finishing his autobiography (Mark Twain helped). President Grant died of throat cancer right after the book was complete. 

Your attitude not only can help you live longer but it will help you live so much better. 

Maintain Good Brain Health!

I believe my first obligation to myself is to the quality of my life. That’s always the most important thing to most of us. Even if I were confined to a wheelchair, the quality of my life would be good because I understand that the quality of my life is in direct proportion to the way I think.  And in order to think right, my brain has to be healthy and it has to work properly.

I discovered that as you age, your brain naturally changes and it’s common for people to lose recall and mental sharpness. Get over it! That’s just the way it is, but there are several things that you can do to help your brain stay sharp. 

First, stay mentally active. Stay involved with other people and stay curious. Read and talk about what you read with others – join a book club. Have goals. Find a hobby that keeps your mind active. 

I had a friend who worked crossword puzzles and read the newspaper every day until he died in his mid-90s. I have another friend who just turned 93 and he actively researches, buys, and sells stocks (does pretty good at it too). I like to research and write. I still have at least five books I am going to write. 

Aging gracefully
My secret weapon to keep my brain healthy

I also take supplements. More on supplements later, but the one I call my secret weapon to keep my brain healthy is MemNivia. Studies show that prolonged use helps maintain and improve memory as you age and continued use also results in a significant improvement of high-level cognitive processes (Working memory, Long-Term Memory, Executive Function.)  It also preserves and improves age-related cognitive function.  I know a lot of people who use it and they keep coming back. Learn more about MemNivia

I choose to live my life with a healthy brain. It contributes greatly to the quality of my life.  

Maintain Good Body Health!

Even during the COVID nightmare, right thinking was a big factor when it came to good health. Just keep in mind that our body changes and there’s no getting around it. Gravity keeps tugging at us and certain parts of our body continue to grow. 

Aging gracefully
Check this out

Other factors like the environment, the food we eat, and our good and bad habits will all have an effect on how we age. Smoking, drinking, and using drugs – both legal and illegal will all either take their toll or keep you healthy.  

Activity: One thing the body likes is moving around.  Activity keeps your blood flowing, and that’s key.  If you can find some activity you like, go do it. Two or three times a week is good.  Every day is better.  I believe that anything that gets your heart beating faster will be good for you. Of course, you should make sure your activity is aligned with your level of health. 

Diet: I was very lucky to grow in a family that believed that foods such as spinach, beets, celery, arugula lettuce, iceberg lettuce, carrots, parsley, cabbage, radishes, and collard greens are good for you. I believe this is one of the main reasons I have enjoyed good health throughout my life. 

Aging gracefully is easier when you Maintain the right weight: Understanding a simple truth that your body burns energy as expressed in calories.  If you eat more than you burn, your body is will store those extra calories as fat. Never know, you may need those calories someday.  But in our society, it is rare for someone to die from hunger.  So eat enough to keep the machine going. 

If you’re really interested in the subject, there are a million websites and books to help you. I recently ran across this supplement.  Studies show that OxySlender is one of the most effective ways to manage weight.  Check it out.

Supplements: As we age our blood vessels tend to become clogged causing our body to quit producing Nitric Oxide. 

What is Nitric Oxide? Nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule that is responsible for dilating (opening) arteries, veins, and vessels to allow oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to flow to your body’s organs, tissues, and cells. 

I discovered NO when I was a case manager at a neuropathy treatment medical practice. It was there I read about the Nobel Prize-Winning Discovery that NO opens arteries and helps oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to flow to the body’s organs & cells.  

Aging gracefully
Nitric Oxide is one of the keys to good health

A recent discovery found NO helps improve and even reverse age-related chronic disease and maladies related to impaired or compromised circulation.  

The product I prefer is OxySpark because it has been shown to be ten times more effective than other brands.

You should note that Nitric Oxide also has a potential side effect. Some men say that NO is a natural way to aid with erectile issues to maintain a healthy sexual experience. Just saying.

Enjoy a Healthy Relationship with God!

I like to watch documentaries and movies. On a Saturday night, some twenty years ago I was watching a documentary about the universe.  Neil DeGrasse Tyson, a scientist was explaining that the universe is so huge and such a complex thing that the human mind was not capable of comprehending it.  I thought it was an interesting idea and didn’t think much more about it. 

At church the next morning, the sermon was about God and how complex He is. The pastor, Tim said we could not comprehend God because He so vast. That was the moment when I turned the issue of faith over to God. That was when I gave up any doubts I had about God. This was the end of my doubts and the beginning of my journey with faith. 

The other thing that keeps me sane is the serenity prayer. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”

Another thing I do is pray every day several times. I thank God for all He has given me. And if you are reading this, He has given you a lot too. Think about it, our good health, living in the greatest country in the history of the world, living during the greatest time of all time, all the blessings He has given us, and most of all the fact that He would have sent His only Son to die for us. It’s too good to believe that He would do all that for us. God is my personal attitude of gratitude. 

And a final word about my faith was given to me by a former employee, Ricky. One day when things weren’t going as planned, he told me “If you want to make God smile, just tell him your plans.”

The Teachings of Jesus Christ

If you want to explore some really great teachings, I suggest The Teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s a look at what Jesus taught us to live the best of all lives.

Summing it up

Do you want to know how to age gracefully and live a good life?  It involves more than I could explain in a few pages but these four things keep me going through the good times and the bad times. But constantly working at these four basics: keeping a good attitude, a healthy brain, a healthy body, and a healthy relationship with God have gone a long way to living a good life. 

One more little secret I use no matter how good or bad things are, I remember and tell myself, “This too shall pass.”                                                            

Tom Monson is an award-winning author, filmmaker, and publisher. 

Disclaimers: You should consult a licensed healthcare professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Note: Some of the links found on this site are sponsored links. 

If you liked this article, check out A Good Night’s Sleep.