Aging Reversed!

Aging Reversed by Nobel Prize-Winning Discovery

When you win a Nobel Prize in Medicine, it’s because you did something amazing. In this case, the discovery has gone on to help millions of people live better lives.  

Did they deserve the Nobel Prize?

What do you think? They claim the discovery will actually reverse aging. If it’s true, shouldn’t that be worth the Nobel Prize?

Here are the facts: Three US Scientists – Robert F. Furchgott, Ph.D., Louis J. Ignarro, Ph.D., and Ferid Murad, MD, Ph.D., were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering Nitric Oxide, “The Spark of Life.”  

This is a really big deal!

What is Nitric Oxide? Nitric oxide is the molecule responsible for opening (dilating) arteries, veins, and blood vessels so oxygen and nutrient-rich blood can better flow to your body’s organs, tissues, and cells. (Not to be confused with nitrous oxide which is commonly used by dentists and referred to as laughing gas. The two are completely different.)

These doctors discovered that when nitric oxide, enters a cell it stimulates a process called “vasodilation.” This process dilates your blood vessels which increase the blood flow delivering life-enriching and healing oxygen and nutrients to your body’s cells.

They also discovered that nitric oxide production is stimulated through large doses of the amino acid arginine — which was state of the art until the recent discovery of ViNitrox™. Now available through select products. 

As We Age, Our Body’s Nitric Oxide Production is Reduced by 85%. This Results in Chronic Diseases Associated with Aging.

Aging Reversed
Aging Reversed!

The doctors also discovered when you reach middle age, your body loses 85% of its nitric oxide-producing ability. This loss deprives your body of vitalizing oxygen and nutrients and begins a decline in health associated with aging. This is one of the reasons chronic diseases are a problem with older people.

Due to a lack of nitric oxide, your arteries narrow and allow less blood to get to your cells and organs depriving them of nutrients and oxygen. As we age, this process accelerates and causes additional damage.

Problems associated with lack of nitric oxide:

  • Our skin wrinkles
  • Our immunity is impaired
  • We become overweight
  • Our hair grays and thins
  • Arthritic pain caused by inflammation settles into our joints,
  • Our blood pressure rises
  • Our blood sugar rises
  • We become more likely to be depressed
  • Our resistance to insulin increases
  • Our arteries harden, thicken and clog
  • We become pre-diabetic.
  • Our mental acuity and memory diminish
  • Impotence affects the quality of our life
  • Our energy and vitality are sapped
  • We lose the zest for life we once had

What is happening is restricted arteries carry less blood to our vital organs, brain, and cells. This robs them of oxygen and nutrients. We whither like an unwatered flower. 

It’s important to find the right supplement to help reverse this process. Our favorite product to increase Nitric Oxide is OxySpark. It delivers 10 times the Nitric Oxide than other products. 

How You Think will change your life.

Learn more about how Nitric Oxide and how OxySpark can help you increase your body’s ability to produce this life-giving nutrient here

If you’re new to OxySpark and want to see if it works for you, you can try three canisters risk-free for 60-days (take two canisters the first month for the Repair Phase, and then one canister the second month for the Maintenance Phase).

If you are not 100% satisfied, return the empty canisters along with all unopened canisters and they will refund your purchase price.

In my opinion, the greater risk would be that you do not try this product. Aging reversed by OxySpark.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. This article may include sponsored links.